Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Great Los Angeles Earthquake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Los Angeles Earthquake - Essay Exampleenter of the earthquake was around xx five (25) miles north of Los Angeles and caused considerable damage to the city in terms of life and property of the citizens of Los Angeles.The painting appears to center greatly upon the fact that city officials chose to ignore the warnings that were given by seismologist Dr. Clark Winslow. The photo chooses to stress greatly upon the fact that city officials gave more importance to the calm of the city than to the very life of the city itself. For instance, angiotensin-converting enzyme of the few areas where the movie reaches its climax is when the city officials finally realize that Dr. Clark Winslows warnings were legitimate and begin to terminate the citizens of Los Angeles to begin taking immediate precautionary measures. However, as the movie shows, the time to take precautionary measures has passed and the earthquake strikes. The movie stands greatly upon this political intervention and ignorance of the city officials and chooses to use this as the main theme and plot. The movie also establishes itself upon the fact that while Dr. Clark Winslows warning was based on a fault extraction that was located around the Los Angeles area, the tremors that set the city officials on alert were those that came from a lesser well cognize fault line near the city.However, leaving behind the main plot, the movie focuses on a chip of subplots based upon a number of events that happened to the real people who got trapped in the earthquake and struggled to survive. About twenty thousand (20,000) lives were lost because of The Big One. The movie follows the lives of a few of these people and shows them as they try to stick out the damage of the earthquake from trapping them and taking their lives.There is although a certain element of exaggeration in the movie. It appears that the creators of the movie chose to go along with the idea of creating the subplots for the movie ou t of the people who suffered series of events that could be commercially viable for the

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