Monday, April 15, 2019
Models of Supervision Essay Example for Free
Models of Supervision EssayFrameworks from unlike psycho-therapeutic orientations and professions can be integrated into this models commodious consideration. Supervisee developmental stage (m. 4) is catered for as, with experience, progress from visit to higher levels is enabled, in response to their pressing concerns. Identification of supervisee strengths is assuaged, encouraging positive feedback and affirmation, conducive to the supervisees uncoercedness to light upon some(prenominal) negative and positive aspects of their work and their commitment to continued development.Practice characteristics requiring attention are identified, thereby providing a focus for the executive programs interventions to embolden improvement and growth (m. 4). This guide is useful as it raises cognisance of all pertinent levels. Other frameworks inherently place disproportionate emphases on certain modes with whatever completely ignored. This model promotes balanced direction as e ach mode is weighted equally over time. The implied hierarchy relates to the executive programs responsibility to attend to all levels.The supervisee provides the lymph glands primary care, besides protection of rights and well-being is ultimately the supervisors responsibility (Helsel, 2012). This hierarchical responsibility is explicit (Hawkins and Shohet, 2002). To get word quality care, the supervisee (m. 4) acknowledges the importance of on-going sweetening of professional knowledge and competencies (Carroll Gilbert, 2011). Reviewing the supervisees application of theory, by exploring techniques utilised (m. 2), is wiz of the supervisors responsibilities to support the supervisees professional development ((Helsel, 2012).Obtaining consent and ensuring confidentiality of personal information (consent documents, berth notes and recordings) is mandatory (Helsel, 2012). To ensure transparency, an awareness of how the process functions and informed consent is necessary (Hel sel, 2012). With the assurance of confidentiality, trust and provement of both therapeutic relationships whitethorn follow. Within the broader work context (m. 7), it should also be established to whom the supervisor reports regarding the supervisees capabilities (Carroll Gilbert, 2011).Appropriate supervision documentation can facilitate professional growth and development of both supervisee and supervisor (Helsel, 2012). Aspects to be include are node status and progress (m. 1), supervisee interventions (m. 2) and supervisor input and focal point (m. 5, 6). The focus on organisational requirements (m. 7) and potential legal demands is addressed. Maintaining professional boundaries to avoid dual-relationships, conflicts of interest and subsequent exploitation of client trust is mandatory (Nichols, 2011).Any relationship that diminishes the practitioners ability to remain objective, exercise straightforward judgement and avoid bias is deemed inappropriate (Helsel, 2012). This i s addressed in the organisational context (m. 7), with implications for the supervisee-client (m. 3) and supervisee-supervisor (m. 5) relationships. Axten (2012) portrays these relationships as covenantal which implies a primitive pursuit of respectful and trusting beneficence. The obligation to ensure quality care has several implications.Firstly, practitioners should offer go indoors the boundaries of their competence (m. 4 6). If enhanced understanding of factors including cultural or socio-economic (m. 7) is required, additional training or supervision should be desire (m. 4 6) or appropriate referrals made (Nichols, 2011). If professional duties are impact by personal issues, professional assistance may facilitate block or termination of service maybe necessary. This model explicitly and comprehensively highlights the ethical considerations of supervision.These can all be addressed in spite of appearance process-oriented supervision (PS) but the definitive guide that the 7-eyed model provides is absent. Essentially, PS focuses on raising the supervisees awareness of their experiences and conceptualisations of the client and their issues, which are used to promote late personal insights, which enhance therapeutic skills (Richardson Hands, 2012). A summate of skills are used in this process. Initially, the supervisees awareness of the clients process is raised to encourage exploration of identities and roles played by each and the skills involved. Richardson, 2012) Strategies, including role-playing the absent client, allow replication of a parallel process, which facilitates matter of client-supervisee dynamics, which can be subsequently explored. The individuals acknowledged identity, the primary process, is explored for both client and supervisee. Identifying which take the supervisee predominantly uses provides additional clues, as stuckness is generally resolved in under-utilised channels (Goodbread, 1997).The identity distanced from the in dividuals awareness is the secondary process and is separated from the primary by an edge (Diamond Jones, 2004). This interrupts the flow of therapy due to the strain amongst release and change and manifests as atypical reactions. Exploration of all these will enhance the supervisees awareness, allowing untested insights to emerge, which can be utilised to inform therapeutic skill, with possible replication and flow-on effects for the client. The supervisors role is to establish a positive feedback loop, connecting and reinforcing these elements.Richardson and Hands (2012) summarise this as The use of process-oriented supervision skills highlights a holographic meta-analysis where the sum of the parts is not only greater than the whole, but the parts and the union of the whole contribute to further replication in other levels and systems. (P 179) In the PS session witnessed, from within the supervisees story, a parallel process emerged. The clients softer, nicer and more vulner able process contrasted with a secondary process of strength and dominance and was mirrored in the supervisee.The tension and discomfort that existed between these, the edge, make up the focus that was brought to supervision. Replicating the parallel process, enabled clarification as the supervisee had initially struggled to define her issue. The raising of the supervisees awareness enabled new insights to be generated which were used to inform her future approach. The feedback loop with new found skills was established. The overall approach was exceedingly valued by the supervisee. Additional resources and strengths were revealed despite the non-attendance to goaling, exceptions, and coping strategies.Freshly acquired insights were relevant to the supervisee, both personally and professionally which enhanced their integration. This denotes another key feature of PS, a departure from other models, as the boundary between professional supervision and personal therapy is considered impossible to define (Richardson Hands, 2002). The attraction of the seven-eyed model is its applicability across many a(prenominal) psychotherapeutic traditions. Social constructionist approaches integrate easily as many of these skills were utilised in the observed session.These included externalising, identifying exceptions and resources, preferred future descriptions and outside witness. Goaling identified the impact of the supervisees workplace anxiety as the focus. Questions exploring the supervisees current experience and identity (m. 4) were used. As a domestic violence worker, she regularly works with disadvantageously distressed individuals and a possible parallel process with transference of emotions onto the supervisee may have occurred. The supervisees unconscious mind reactions, her counter-transference, were explored with the intention to enhance her ability to respond, instead of merely reacting.Landscapes of action and meaning questions were utilised here and th roughout the session. The focus then shifted to the supervisees experience and conceptualisation of the client (m. 1). The therapeutic relationship between supervisee and client (m. 3) was investigated using various techniques including outside witness perspective. Approaches and strategies utilised (m. 2) and the clients responses were explored. These were placed within the wider context of the supervisees work (m. 7), using preferred future questions. Mode 5, the supervisory relationship and the supervisors own process (m. ), werent definitively explored, which is understandable as this was an isolated session for academic purposes. The adaptability of the model was seeming(a) as the strength- invertebrate footd approach evoked the supervisees exceptions and resources. Flexibility allowed unequal attention across modes, which enhanced responsiveness to the supervisees needs and collaboration. The opportunity to observe various supervision models has highlighted the importance of remaining open-minded and willing to experiment with alternative techniques and approaches.To best meet client needs through the supervisee, having a choice of strategies and flexibility in application, will enhance my ability to remain effective and responsive. The seven-eyed model, with its inherent emphasis on relative and systemic aspects, provides a valuable, adaptable scaffold, upon which my approach to supervision will be based. Techniques from many orientations can be incorporated to accommodate supervisee strengths and needs, to ensure supervision is not done to but with the supervisee, which benefits their professional development.Also, understanding of new information is enhanced when integrated with existing familiar competencies and knowledge (Friedman, 1997). The seven modes provide a broad range of issues, enabling their identification and subsequent address to enhance supervisee development. Modelling multiple-perspective approaches may encourage the supervisee to mirror this in therapy, which may transfer to the client. Viewing issues from alternative perspectives often delivers therapeutic benefits as stuckness may interpret into resolution with an accompanying transfer of skills.This would be conducive to development of the supervisees capabilities of reflection and thereby enhance their practice. The seven-eyed model, incorporating narrative and solution-oriented approaches of social constructionism, will be central to my approach. However, despite identification of exceptions, strengths, resources and coping strategies, issue resolution on a deeper, perhaps more personal level may sometimes be sought by the supervisee. PS skills will be utilised for these interventions, for when supervisees struggle to delineate the problems middle and may also prove useful in divising complementary solutions.The approaches of other models encourage alternative conceptualisations of issues and may be utilised to generate the supervisees news of differe nce required and promote flexible cognition. The dry lands leading athletes require commitment, flexibility and strength. To become a skilled supervisor, having an extensive, strong theoretical base and grasp of technique, combined with flexibility in applying both and remaining open-minded to alternative approaches, may facilitate this continuous process. Modelling this as supervisor, will hopefully transfer to the supervisee and also inform their practice.
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